Trial Instructional Flight (TIF)

Looking to understand Gyroplanes but not sure whether you are ready to commit? Then why not take a Trial Instruction Flight (TIF).

Get behind the controls with a qualified instructor to experience “hands on” flying. Unobstructed views from the cockpit, slow landing speeds and simple flight controls make this a unique experience, even to qualified pilots.

Your Instructor will brief you on:

  • Pre-flight inspection
  • Aircraft instruments
  • Aircraft controls
  • And answer any questions you may have.

The flight time counts towards your certificate, so what have you got to lose. For more information, contact an Instructor in your area and arrange for a flight today.

Requirements to Fly

A valid ASRA Pilot Certificate authorises the holder to act as pilot-in- command of a gyroplane.

A pilot certificate holder may not fly as pilot-in-command of a gyroplane:

a. when a gyroplane is flown a distance greater than 25 nautical miles from the point of takeoff unless:
(1) the pilot holds a valid ASRA Cross Country Endorsement; or
(2) the pilot is conducting flight training solo exercises under the direct supervision and control of an ASRA Instructor.

b. at or within 8 km (5 nm) of a certified or registered aerodrome unless the pilot holds a valid ASRA Aerodrome endorsement.

c. when carrying passengers unless the pilot holds a valid ASRA Passenger Carrying Endorsement.

d. when operating within the vicinity of a licenced or registered aerodrome or other areas where the carriage and use of VHF aircraft band radio is mandatory, unless the gyroplane is fitted with a serviceable VHF aircraft band radio, and the pilot holds a valid ASRA Radio Operator endorsement.

Unless cancelled or suspended by the Operations Manager, an ASRA Pilot Certificate shall remain valid subject to the following conditions being met; the pilot is a financial member of ASRA, and abides by the conditions of the ASRA Operations Manual and the relevant CAOs.

An applicant for the issue of an ASRA Pilot Certificate shall, unless approved by the Operations Manager:

a. hold a valid ASRA Student Pilot Certificate;

b. be a financial member of ASRA;

c. comply with the medical standard specified in Section 2.01 of this Manual;

d. have undergone theory and flight training in accordance with the Operations Manual and the relevant CAOs or have completed a recognised course acceptable to the Operations Manager;

e. have successfully passed theory and in-flight examinations in accordance with the requirements of the Operations Manual and the relevant CAOs, thus demonstrating to an ASRA Instructor or higher that they have reached the level of competency required for the issue of an ASRA Pilot Certificate;

f. immediately prior to the issue of an ASRA Pilot Certificate, complete a flight check with an ASRA instructor or higher other than the person who completed the majority of the student’s training;

g. have attained the age of 15 years.

h. have successfully completed a fight review in the preceding 24 months.

Prior to undertaking a flight test for the issue of an ASRA Pilot Certificate an applicant shall:

a. have completed a minimum of 20 hours flying experience in gyroplanes, which shall include a minimum of 15 hours of instructional flight in a two-seat gyroplane, and a minimum of 5 hours as pilot-in-command; or

b. if having previous flying experience in sailplanes, aeroplanes, helicopters, gyrogliders or ultralight aeroplanes:

(1) have in excess of 20 hours flying experience with a minimum of 5 hours as pilot-in-command;
(2) undertake such dual training in a two-seat gyroplane as is deemed necessary by an ASRA Instructor or higher;
(3) acquire a minimum of 5 hours flying experience in gyroplanes, which must include at least 1 hour as pilot- in-command.

CASA Regulations

Gyroplane operation is permitted in uncontrolled airspace (Class G Airspace)

In general, Gyroplane operations are not permitted inside controlled airspace (airspace controlled by a air traffic control service) except that classified as Class E airspace where additional equipment is required to be fitted to the gyroplanes. (CAO 95.12 and CAO 95.12.1). However, there are exceptions that require certain conditions to be met prior to operations. e.g. The pilot must hold a current valid PPL or higher. Other requirements are published in CAO 95.12 and 95.12.1.

Gyroplanes operating in Class E airspace must be equipped with VHF radio, and if Flight Information Services are required, must also be equipped with a transponder.

Gyroplane operations are only permitted under Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC).

Civil Aviation Orders (CAO) 95.12, 95.12.1, require that all gyroplanes operated under the provisions of the relevant CAOs be operated in accordance with the standards and procedures specified in the Australian Sport Rotorcraft Association’s Operations Manual.

The Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (‘the CASRs’), together with the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (‘the 1988 Regulations’), are the detailed legislation of the Commonwealth regarding aviation safety. Both of these sets of regulations are made under the Civil Aviation Act 1988. There are also Civil Aviation Orders (CAOs’) made under the 1988 Regulations and that Act.

Both sets of regulations, and the Orders, are parts of Australian law. They are delegated legislation, made by the Governor-General (for the Regulations) or CASA itself (for the Orders) under authority given by the Commonwealth Parliament.

Requirements for overseas pilots to fly gyroplanes in Australia

*** Pilots intending to fly in Australia should submit a membership application to the Registrar at least 30 days before arrival in Australia, either online or using the downloadable PDF form. ***

Online and PDF application, click here.

ASRA makes provision for qualified gyroplane pilots visiting from other countries who wish to fly gyroplanes in Australia. This policy is in line with that of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) of Australia.

  1. It is necessary for the pilot to produce an accepted foreign licence or certificate or a copy thereof, together with a copy of the last page of their pilot logbook.
  2. The pilot must join ASRA either as a temporary or full member. A medical self-declaration is included on the online membership application or on the downloadable PDF form. Membership fees can be obtained from the Registrar.  Overseas medical certificates will not be accepted.
  3. Once the above procedures are complete, a flight check with an ASRA instructor or higher is required and if satisfactory, an ASRA pilot certificate will be issued. Instructor contact list, click here.

Gyroplanes imported into Australia must be listed with ASRA and inspected before any flight within Australia is attempted. Gyroplane listing fees can be obtained from the Registrar.

For further information or details, contact the Head of Flight Operations (HOFO).

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